We awoke to Nyaji-chan desecrating the Yamada ancestral shrine with comical antics. That’s gotta be auspicious, right?!
Index (page 4)
You Decide!
Giant chrome balls? Or enormous shiny butt? You decide!
Last Day
It was the day after Hisachan’s birthday, and we had just emerged from our hilarious little episode in the local shrine. Hisachan and I decided to spend the rest of the day more or less just trucking around and enjoying Hiroshima.
Addressing the Gods
Though barely able to contain two slices of English muffin, in Japan this toaster oven apparently qualifies as “jumbo.”
I arose, and showered in the kitchen. It was actually Hisachan’s birthday that day, but we wouldn’t have much time to celebrate until after we returned to Hiroshima.
Pooping in Japan: An Intermediate Guide
Welcome back to our special series on defecating in the Land of the Rising Sun.