Back to the magical streets of Kyoto, we pass along the beautiful Kamogawa River, and are greeted along the way by statues dedicated to authors, actors, and artists of antiquity.
Tag: Small Sizes (page 2)
Pooping in Japan: A Beginner’s Guide
Contrary to popular American belief, this is neither a hair wash facility, nor is it an advanced gargling station. But rather behold, the humble Japanese toilet, which straddles the fine line between a hole that you shit into, and a full-featured spa for your ass.
Following our interlude at Nekouan, we ducked into one of the countless tiny restaurants which dot the streets of Kyoto, and sat down for a bite to eat. It’s remarkable how tightly the Japanese manage to pack such spaces, an effect made possible seemingly only by necessity and sheer will.
Kagome: the Veggie Mutilator
Behold my first breakfast in Japan!, a humble repast consisting of a cheese laiden pastry, a blueberry bagel, packets of jam and peanut butter, fresh fruit, and, somewhat alarmingly, butter in a tube.